Monday, January 12, 2009

My Couponing Brag

So earlier this week I did an awesome couponing deal. I bought all this for $10.56! I saved $261.81. Can you all believe it? I love couponing..(I dont have to do it, I do it more like a hobby/for fun). When I first started couponing I was confused and embarrased, but now I feel like an old pro. I have a coupon blog to list my savings budget and the deals in the Pac Northwest.
Heres what I bought for $10.56:
3 packages of Pampers Pullups
20 Kashi GoLean bars
10 Soyjoy bars
4 Betty Crocker Blueberry muffin mix boxes
2 FiberOne muffin mix boxes
4 Yoplait Kids yogurst
4 Yoplait GO GURTS
2 Boxes Bisquick
7 boxes Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks
2 boxes FiberOne Pancacke Mix
15 boxes Betty Crocker Au Gratin Potatoes
5 boxes Hamburger Helper
1 french bread
14 1/2 lbs of butcher block meat: 12lbs chicken, 1.5 lb pork chops, 1 lb hamburger

One of my best deals!


  1. WOW! i knew you were good but WOW! i bow to the queen love ya liz

  2. ok, so i seriously need to learn how to do what you do!!!

  3. i hate you. =) not fair!!!
