Monday, December 8, 2008

A Box of Food

Recently I read a blog of a mother who has 8 children. She was talking about what to give her children for Christmas. The two things that are most important to her as a mother are time and teaching her children something useful (a life lesson). She decided to combine the two and come up with a gift that would allow each child to feel completely special even though there were 7 others who needed their mom as much as they did. What she came up with was so awesome that I knew I had to share it with all of you.


*the ingredients of your child's favorite meal/dish.

Write out the recipe for your child's favorite meal on the piece of paper.
Box up the ingredients to make that meal.
Wrap it all up.
Include a date that you will make the meal together.

The idea behind the box of food is that when it comes time to make the meal that your child received for Christmas, that child is the only one who will get to help out in the kitchen making that meal. They not only learn a lesson (how to cook their favorite meal) but they will also score some really awesome one on one time with you while you cook. It's a memory I guarantee they won't forget.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea. Christmas should definately, 100% be about creating memmories. That is what lasts and what will be passed on like gas.
