Every year its our tradition to take the kids to the fair - this spring we just moved to the Tri-Cities so I took the kids to the Benton Franklin County Fair this year. Highlights of the day --
- Purchased Monica & Micah bracelets for rides
- within 1 Hour of riding Rides Micah was SICK and didnt want to ride any more rides - he went home with his friend Danny as Danny was also sick from the rides.
-Took Grace, Liam & Monica to see animals - as pictured
- Went to the kiddie section of rides and let Grace go on them with Monica... Grace at first was a little scared of rides ...
I love the fair! it looks like u guys had fun. I wish I could have gone. those are really good pics too! I love the one where grace is scared on the ride. I laughed so hard when I saw it.